Friday, July 27

7 random things

I've been tagged! Melanie got me, so here goes!

Here are 7 delightedly random yet useful and exciting things about me (ok not really but that sounds cool, right?)

Numero UNO
When walking down the street and I see a crunchy leaf, I MUST step on it. And not only that, but I have to crunch it completely or else I go back & crunch it all the way. The less crunchy leaves there are in the world, the better. The only exception is when there's a whole pile of leaves, cuz then that's pretty much just hopeless for me to crunch them all.
Numero DOS
I would never survive on fear factor. Namely because I have zero tolerance for foods that I don't like. Example: One time I was playing truth or dare & I was dared to eat an olive. A plain, simple, black olive. Well, when I ate that olive I was literally gagging & making (probably hilarious) faces, and it was pretty much the worst thing I've ever done. Just thinking about the taste makes me wanna throw up. Another example: well, just read the post about my experience with the lemonade drink. I had a glass of water with a little piece of lemon in it like they give you at restaurants & I almost threw up, cuz it brought back the taste of that horrible drink.

Numero TRES
I HATE when things are messy & cluttered & unorganized, yet I have the messiest room ever. At work everything has to be where it goes, & if I don't know where it goes then it has to be in a perfect pile. When they give me something to do that involves sorting or organizing, it seriously makes me happy inside. There was a whole box of papers that needed to be sorted the next morning, & the night before I seriously got happy thinking about it. However, my room is extremely messy and always has been. I have clothes everywhere, a bunch of things on my dresser, and I usually have half of my bed covered in junk with a side left for me to sleep. I hate when my room is like this, yet somehow it always is. (I'd take a picture but I can't find the camera battery, so here's an example of pretty much what it's looked like)


I hate wind. Breezes are ok, just not strong wind. Anytime it's really windy, I get freaked out & I have to stay inside. I'm paranoid that something of mine is outside that I don't know about & will blow away, or that the trees will blow over. I also hate how it blows my hair in directions I don't want it to or if I'm holding something it gets blown out of my hand. I just really hate wind in general, so I guess it's a good thing I live in AZ cuz that equals very low amounts of strong wind!

I don't have time to finish 5-7 right now, so I'll post the rest later!

Just don't let the suspense kill you :)

Update on the nasty...I mean master cleanse

Ok, so I found out that I don't have the will-power to do the Master Cleanse. On day one I was DYING, and when I said in the first post that it'd take ALL of my will-power to just to finish half of day one I was 100% right (even though I didn't know it at the time). I almost quit sooo many times but somehow I didn't. Well, on day 2 someone I work with bought french fries (the EXTRA tasty kind from Nielsen's) and kept telling me to eat them, not to be mean, but cuz he really thought I should eat them. Well, once again, I somehow denied the urge to eat them all, and I went through all of work without any food.
Well, if this cleanse was just about not eating food, I could most likely do it. But the problem is that the lemonade drink is NAAAAAS-TY. The first time I drank it I was literally gagging. Let's just say that cayenne pepper was NEVER meant to be in a drink. By day 2 I was literally just starving myself cuz I was avoiding that nasty drink so much. Some people actually like the drink, I'm just not one of those people. On day one I only drank 4 when you're supposed to have 6-12. There's no way I could force myself to drink it for 8 more days. So, yesterday night food & I had a glorious reunion. I ate waaaaaaaaaay too much though & I literally woke up still full (I know, that's majorly horrible). But now I'm going to start on a juice fast, which is detoxifying just like the master cleanse, and I'll do that for probably 5 days. Yes, I know I'm weak. I'm pretty disappointed I couldn't finish, but at least now I want to eat healthy which is something I DIDN'T want to do while on the cleanse. All I was doing was fantasizing about all of the junk food I could be eating. It was horrible. So, now my new adventure starts & I really believe it will be more successful than the last, cuz if I'm desperate for solid food I can eat fruit or vegetables. So, I'm pretty excited, and that's my story about detoxing!

Tuesday, July 24

Well, it's official. I decided that tomorrow I'm going to partake on a 10-day long journey known as (dum dum dum.....) the Master Cleanse. For 10 whole, solid days all I will be able to eat (or should I say drink) is this:

6 times a day I'll have a drink that consists of: one half of a lemon's juice, 1 tbsp pure maple syrup, 1/10 tsp of cayenne pepper, and lots of water.

Yes, it is possible that I might die from lack of fatty foods that my body has become so reliant on. Yes, I might go insane from the lack of solid food. Yes, I might want to throw a lemon at someone's head who is eating tasty junk food in front of me. And Yes, I'm going to have to use every single ounce of will power I have just to make it past half of day one.

Oh, and I didn't even get to the fun part. Every morning and night I'm gonna drink an herbal laxative (ya, that's right) tea. From what I've heard I'm gonna be up ALLL night. So why? might you ask, am I doing this?'s why:

1. It will cleanse my body from all of the nasty junk that's been stored in it since like, forever

2. It's quite possible and very likely to lose at least 15 pounds while on this diet

3. I will (supposedly and hopefully) have lots of energy when I am done

-and last (but not least)-

4. My body will feel clean and I'll want to put only the healthiest and best foods back in it

Hopefully these long 10 days of suffering will not be in vain, and that I'll be able to keep most (if not all) of it off when I finish! That would be excellent. So for those of you who will see me in the next 10 days: I apologize in advance for anything I might do. Just remember-it's the hunger, not me! I'll update you on the results when I am finished!

Let the countdown begin :)

Friday, July 20

I can't believe it's almost here....

So, this is basically what I've looked like for the past two & a half months. As hopefully all of you know, the seventh aka last Harry Potter book comes out tomorrow (midnight for me). This may not seem like a big deal, but my life since 5th grade has led up to this moment. I re-read the entire series in preparation for this astronomical event, and finally finished the 6th one today. I'm pretty much gonna have major withdrawals when I'm done with the 7th one since this has pretty much been my life for the past few months. I'm pretty much considering locking myself in my room til I finish so no one can spoil the ending for me, & the sad thing is that I'm actually serious. There are so many spoilers out there already from people who got the book early, & if anyone tells me what happens, they probably won't be alive to tell anyone else. In six short hours I will have the beloved book in my hands, ready to read. I don't want it to end and I'm 99 percent sure I will cry (yes I'm lame, I know) but an end must come sometime.

To Harry Potter: thank you for keeping me occupied for so many hours & giving me books that I can actually read all the way through. You've made me laugh, cry, and kinda confused sometimes. You will be missed, but not forgotten.

I love you Harry, Ron and Hermione

Saturday, July 14

I'm FINALLY posting again!

Well I've been home from Chicago for a few days now but I've been so busy with work & Harry Potter (I have to finish them all before July 21st!! Ahhh!) that I haven't had time to tell about my trip! First of all, it was TONS of fun. I wasn't ready for it to end. Not only was it fun seeing everything but it was cool just hangin out with Melanie since I never get to see her :(. The first day was a little hard cuz the week before leaving wasn't a very good one and the day we got there I found out someone I knew died, but after that it was soooo much fun. Here's a list of things I did:

1. Wednesday July 4: The first night we went to a whitesox game and saw an AMAZING fireworks show complete with songs and everything, and we had the perfect view.

2. Thursday July 5: We went downtown and saw a cool library, rode some trains (real ones), went to the top of Sears tower, saw Wicked, went to the "taste", and visited an art museum. It was a busy day but it was SO fun seeing downtown Chicago and walking down the streets. Melanie was quite an awesome tour guide too :)
3. Friday July 6: The next day we took a 4 hour drive to Nauvoo and visited all of the cool demonstrations they have there which show how pioneers lived. We got to eat bread, gingerbread cookies, and I even made rope! We walked along the trail of hope and I got to stand in the Mississippi river! Then that night was the opening night of the Nauvoo pageant, which was pretty cool. 4. Saturday July 7: The next day we toured Joseph Smith's and Brigham Young's house (learning lots of tidbits I never knew before) and then went to Carthage. It was pretty cool to actually be there since it's such an important part of church history. Afterwards we headed on back to Melanie's. 5. Sunday July 8: We went to Melanie's ward and then came back for a little lunch & (much needed after the busy week) naptime :). Afterwards we walked around the University of Chicago where Josh goes to med school, & then went to a beach at Lake Michigan and dipped our feet in and walked around. The lake is pretty much like an ocean cuz it's so huge so it pretty much felt like I was at a normal beach. Oh, & this girl was doing yoga next to the lake which I thought was pretty darn funny, so I took a picture

6. Monday July 9: The next day we slept in a little and went to a free zoo. Some of the animals there were just SOOOOOOOO cute and it definitely made me want to have a polar bear, baby monkey, meerkat and penguin as a pet. I'm pretty sure someday I will too. Then we went to the Nature Museum, which included a room full of butterflies that fly all around you! Some of them were really pretty. That night we FINALLY got to eat at Giordanos (I don't know if I spelled that right) which is this really good Chicago style pizza place that Melanie wanted us to try.

7. Tuesday July 10: The last day :( :( :( we went to the Museum of Science and Industry (I think it's called) which is kinda of like the science center but a little different. The building was HUGE and there was so much to see. Afterwards we had to head on over to the airport, so we took the subway (I'll admit, which was a little scary at first since we'd had melanie to show us exactly what to do before but we were on our own this time. It was super easy in the end though). We got to the airport in one piece & took our (delayed) flight back home. I didn't want to leave, but I am soo grateful for the opportunity I had to visit and that my sister was able to take time off to be our personal tour guide! It was a trip I'll always remember.

The End. :)

Wednesday, July 4

Chicago here I come!

Well, the time has finally come. In about 5 hours I will be waking up to be on my way to.....

I can't wait! It's going to be TONS of fun & I get to finally see where my super cool sister Melanie lives!! There's a lot more I could say about my excitement and my plans but considering I'm going to be waking up in, LESS than 5 hours, I have to keep this simple. So adios & I'll post all about it when I get back!!

Sunday, July 1

My puppers.

So.....I basically have the cutest little dog EVER.

He's my little peach cakes & he comes to me whenever he wants anything cuz he knows I understand him. Example: I came home one night and went into the family room, and in comes little Buster. He says hi for a second & lets me pet him, & then he gives me his "I want something" bark. I didn't have any food, so I was like ok...I'll follow him. So I followed him, and he took me into my mom's room while checking every few seconds to make sure I was still following him. He went & sat down next to her bed and put one paw up, basically saying, "Ok put me on the bed!" So pretty much he came & got me all the way from the family room just so I'd put him on my mom's bed, even though she was on the bed and could've done it. What can I say, he's one smart little man.

Another super cute thing he did involves this:

My mom decided it'd be a good idea to get him a little set of stairs to put next to the bed so he wouldn't have to whine [or come get me] all the time. Little did she know his complete fear of heights would keep him from using them. My mom tried to show him how to use them by putting him onto the stairs, but he hated it so much that he started to hide under the bed. Everytime anyone came near him or the stairs he'd hurry & run under the bed. It was suuuper cute. But this wasn't all. Around 12:30 in the morning I went into my mom's room & was like...where's Buster?? She said she didn't know so I looked under the bed....& there he was! Still! He knew that if he whined to get onto the bed my mom would make him use the stairs, so he just hung out under the bed til I came & rescued him! It was so sad yet so cute. Well, that's all about him for now. I'll be back to postin' later! Adios!