Friday, July 27

7 random things

I've been tagged! Melanie got me, so here goes!

Here are 7 delightedly random yet useful and exciting things about me (ok not really but that sounds cool, right?)

Numero UNO
When walking down the street and I see a crunchy leaf, I MUST step on it. And not only that, but I have to crunch it completely or else I go back & crunch it all the way. The less crunchy leaves there are in the world, the better. The only exception is when there's a whole pile of leaves, cuz then that's pretty much just hopeless for me to crunch them all.
Numero DOS
I would never survive on fear factor. Namely because I have zero tolerance for foods that I don't like. Example: One time I was playing truth or dare & I was dared to eat an olive. A plain, simple, black olive. Well, when I ate that olive I was literally gagging & making (probably hilarious) faces, and it was pretty much the worst thing I've ever done. Just thinking about the taste makes me wanna throw up. Another example: well, just read the post about my experience with the lemonade drink. I had a glass of water with a little piece of lemon in it like they give you at restaurants & I almost threw up, cuz it brought back the taste of that horrible drink.

Numero TRES
I HATE when things are messy & cluttered & unorganized, yet I have the messiest room ever. At work everything has to be where it goes, & if I don't know where it goes then it has to be in a perfect pile. When they give me something to do that involves sorting or organizing, it seriously makes me happy inside. There was a whole box of papers that needed to be sorted the next morning, & the night before I seriously got happy thinking about it. However, my room is extremely messy and always has been. I have clothes everywhere, a bunch of things on my dresser, and I usually have half of my bed covered in junk with a side left for me to sleep. I hate when my room is like this, yet somehow it always is. (I'd take a picture but I can't find the camera battery, so here's an example of pretty much what it's looked like)


I hate wind. Breezes are ok, just not strong wind. Anytime it's really windy, I get freaked out & I have to stay inside. I'm paranoid that something of mine is outside that I don't know about & will blow away, or that the trees will blow over. I also hate how it blows my hair in directions I don't want it to or if I'm holding something it gets blown out of my hand. I just really hate wind in general, so I guess it's a good thing I live in AZ cuz that equals very low amounts of strong wind!

I don't have time to finish 5-7 right now, so I'll post the rest later!

Just don't let the suspense kill you :)