Tuesday, July 24

Well, it's official. I decided that tomorrow I'm going to partake on a 10-day long journey known as (dum dum dum.....) the Master Cleanse. For 10 whole, solid days all I will be able to eat (or should I say drink) is this:

6 times a day I'll have a drink that consists of: one half of a lemon's juice, 1 tbsp pure maple syrup, 1/10 tsp of cayenne pepper, and lots of water.

Yes, it is possible that I might die from lack of fatty foods that my body has become so reliant on. Yes, I might go insane from the lack of solid food. Yes, I might want to throw a lemon at someone's head who is eating tasty junk food in front of me. And Yes, I'm going to have to use every single ounce of will power I have just to make it past half of day one.

Oh, and I didn't even get to the fun part. Every morning and night I'm gonna drink an herbal laxative (ya, that's right) tea. From what I've heard I'm gonna be up ALLL night. So why? might you ask, am I doing this? Well....here's why:

1. It will cleanse my body from all of the nasty junk that's been stored in it since like, forever

2. It's quite possible and very likely to lose at least 15 pounds while on this diet

3. I will (supposedly and hopefully) have lots of energy when I am done

-and last (but not least)-

4. My body will feel clean and I'll want to put only the healthiest and best foods back in it

Hopefully these long 10 days of suffering will not be in vain, and that I'll be able to keep most (if not all) of it off when I finish! That would be excellent. So for those of you who will see me in the next 10 days: I apologize in advance for anything I might do. Just remember-it's the hunger, not me! I'll update you on the results when I am finished!

Let the countdown begin :)