Sunday, July 1

My puppers.

So.....I basically have the cutest little dog EVER.

He's my little peach cakes & he comes to me whenever he wants anything cuz he knows I understand him. Example: I came home one night and went into the family room, and in comes little Buster. He says hi for a second & lets me pet him, & then he gives me his "I want something" bark. I didn't have any food, so I was like ok...I'll follow him. So I followed him, and he took me into my mom's room while checking every few seconds to make sure I was still following him. He went & sat down next to her bed and put one paw up, basically saying, "Ok put me on the bed!" So pretty much he came & got me all the way from the family room just so I'd put him on my mom's bed, even though she was on the bed and could've done it. What can I say, he's one smart little man.

Another super cute thing he did involves this:

My mom decided it'd be a good idea to get him a little set of stairs to put next to the bed so he wouldn't have to whine [or come get me] all the time. Little did she know his complete fear of heights would keep him from using them. My mom tried to show him how to use them by putting him onto the stairs, but he hated it so much that he started to hide under the bed. Everytime anyone came near him or the stairs he'd hurry & run under the bed. It was suuuper cute. But this wasn't all. Around 12:30 in the morning I went into my mom's room & was like...where's Buster?? She said she didn't know so I looked under the bed....& there he was! Still! He knew that if he whined to get onto the bed my mom would make him use the stairs, so he just hung out under the bed til I came & rescued him! It was so sad yet so cute. Well, that's all about him for now. I'll be back to postin' later! Adios!