Saturday, March 7

Rochelle's surprise!

You don't have to tell me, I already know.
I am lame.
But I'm not dead.

I'd say the reason I disappeared off the face of the earth is because life is kicking my butt right now, but it's really not. It's actually quite awesome. It's just keeping really really busy.
As in, when I have free time I'm either eating, sleeping, or watching Chuck.

But as I was sitting at the ASU library, trying to study for one of the three tests I had this week, I decided enough is enough. I must blog again.

And first things first, there's a surprise that has been left unsurprisen. So, Rochelle, here is your surprise. A post dedicated to you!

is an awesome cousin. Fer rills. But apparently she is also a little scandalous. "Wild and unrestrained"?? Wow. I have to say I am shocked.

(you should try googling your name. it can be quite hilarious. unless your name is amy, because all you will find is this.)

She is very

For her wedding she wore freakin amazing converse shoes. It was awesome.

(I stole this off of facebook! sorry!)

She has a little dude named
who is one of the cutest little boys ever. He may even be a close second with the cutest baby in the WORLD, which is totally saying something.

(I stole this off of your blog!)

She's also
As a kid I spend many a summer going to Prescott Valley where she lived & laughing my pants off. (remember the crawl space & duck hunt & lifting weights & 4th of July on the roof??)

She's probably one of the most
people I know as well. I'm sure there's not a sport she wouldn't dominate. Even all of this Ninja Power doesn't compare.

She makes me
I guess that's the same as being hilarious,
but it needs to be said twice.

Another thing I would say she is, is
She's like a light in the dark. Glow in the dark, if you will. She's one of the nicest people in the world you will meet. So I suggest you meet her. And become best friends.

(how awesome would it be to have a glow in the dark car?)

Last of all, she is
She's kinda the coolest cousin ever, and she was the only one to post something funny on my birthday.

Thanks for being so awesome Rochelle!

(on a side note, I may or may not be posting in the near future. it makes me feel lazy. so see you in 1-30 days)