Sunday, February 15

birthday time!

Guess what guys?! It's time for Birthday pictures!!

What? Wasn't your birthday like forever ago? And you're posting them now??

Well my friends, that's what three tests in one week, losing your camera and girlie problems does to you.

But have no fear, I am here.
(I'm a wicked poet.)
(And yes, I did know it.)

Well, to start things off I'm just going to say that my b-day was fantabulastic. Even though turning 21 means you're officially ancient, I'd recommend it to anyone. Especially if it falls on a Saturday, because then you get to party all day long.

So here are the hiz-naps of what went down on Feb. 7th, 2009.

In the morning I went to breakfast at IHOP with my awesome pledge bro Lynnette. (btw, we call everyone in the fraternity brothers. sexist, I know, but you get used to it)

It was SOO good! I haven't been there in like, ever, because I hate pancakes, but she recommended the stuffed french toast combo and it's DELISH. Get it. Seriously.

The reason we're all dressed up is because right after breakfast we had to go to the pledging ceremony for our fraternity. (it's what all of the newbies have to do). We're both on the pledge committee, so we had to be there early.

Even though the little ceremony got in the way with my partying plans, it was still pretty fun! Kinda. I even got an awesome card signed by all of my frat bros! They were super sneaky about having everyone sign it, & I had no clue even though someone mentioned a card was going around being signed. I didn't make the connection because my super spy skillz don't work on my birthday.

Afterwards I went to go hang out with my bff Virginia!

We've been friends since 7th grade, and she's awesome. And she's getting married soon!! I can't wait :).
We went shopping at Dana Park, also known as my favorite place in Mesa.

While we were there we went to Anthropologie, and Virginia got me this A-mazing monogrammed mug!! I've been wanting one for a long time, and now I have one! I love it.

After going shopping with her, I went by myself and did something bad. Something sneaky. Something you're only allowed to do when you're 21.

I bought a scratcher ticket.

I know! I'm so evil! But I won 40 bucks, so it was pretty much the highlight of my day. Except just now I went to cash it in and found out that I won ONE HUNDRED BUCKS. So ya. I think the lesson is pretty much just don't drink on your 21st birthday and you'll win $100.

Oh ya, the gas station gods also gave me a present by allowing me to fill up at exactly 21 dollars. Amazing!

Anyway, after I did the evil deed I met up with my friends Adrian, Nicole & her boyfriend to go PARTY at Speedway! (yaaaa.)

So we got there, took some fun pictures, got pumped to race.

And then found out that it was being rented out by a private party.
No charm, gangsta skillz, or bribing would make them let us in. Even though it was my birthday. Ugh. I was so offended. (not really). But I was disappointed, so we decided to go hit up the town.

(crown courtesy of Adrian. If you want to get lots of special treatment and have everyone know it's your birthday, wear a crown.)

My drink of choice that night was Amp.

I know. I'm hardcore.

We had a fun time and went lots of random places.

I even got a free delicious ice cream sandwich on accident! There's a place called cookiez (it has a gangsta name, so automatically I was drawn in), and if you go there on your birthday you get one free. I think I was in birthday heaven when I bit into that wonderful goodness. I want one now.

Later that night Adrian had a bag of clothes that she was giving me, so we went to Nicole's place to try them on. I guess Nicole's boyfriend was feeling left out, so he participated too.

So, after a long day/night of partying hard, midnight came and it was no longer my birthday.
And that is how I turned 21.

Time for PRESENT pictures!

Pretty much all I asked my family for was Zachary Levi and a million dollars. And guess what? I got them both.

(cake courtesy of Cassie J.)

This is a special edition of Chuck. See? It was hand signed by Zachary Levi himself. You can see that he confessed his love to me. Of course Yvonne Strahovski was jealous, but she'll soon accept the fact that he's mine.

Also, while I was busy with the festivities, my super sweet sister Kim drove ALL the way over from Peoria and made me this awesome cake:

(I now realize that this picture does it no justice, but it looked BEATIFUL. It had pink sprinkles & everything.)

It was my fave. Funfetti cake with delicious white frosting. My mom helped frost it too :)
I'm so glad she got to hang out with me on Sunday! Thanks for coming, Kim!

I also got this wonderful little contraption from my madre:

She was so nice that she even let me have it at Christmas time! That's more than a whole month of extra enjoyment. I seriously love this thing. It makes school soo much less boring. Thanks madre!

From my amazing sister Melanie (who lives all the way in Ecuador!) I got these two awesome & helpful books:

I love them! The cupcake book is the cutest thing I've ever seen & has so many creative ideas!! I'm gonna be busy making tons of cakes for awhile!
Thank you Melanie!!!

From my sister Kim, I'm getting a ticket to go here:

I'm so excited!! I've always wanted to go. And now that I'm 21 I'll be able to get the good seats!
Thanks Kim!!

From my sis. Cassie, I got a gift card to the coolest store ever, here:

Thanks Cass!! Love it!

From my Dad, I got a gift card to the most fitting store ever, here:

He even went and got it himself! It's kind of a scary thought imagining him in there, but somehow he managed to do it! It made the gift even more special. I LOVE it. & I'm in serious need of some new clothes.
Thanks Dad!!

My family & friends are way too awesome. Surrriously.

Thanks to everyone that made Amy day AMAZING!
Rochelle: your surprise is next!!!