Tuesday, December 16


Guess what I did today?
I will tell you what I did today.

- I woke up at 4:30. AM, not PM, meaning the sun was still far from coming up.

- I walked in soggy, soaking wet shoes all day because as I was running out the door I grabbed a pair that I thought would keep my toes warm, but instead acted as water absorbers. When I walked water squished out of them.

- I walked all across campus with about 100 pounds on my back only to find out that the two books I never even touched all semester are ones that the bookstore won't buy back. (200 bucks down the drain)

- I had to drive to ASU, then to Chandler, then back to ASU, then home to Mesa in the rain with windshield wipers that really don't even work. Oh, and a piece of them flew off while I was driving on the freeway.

- I was bitten by a gerbil.

- I wasn't able to go to the Cheesecake Factory after work (like I had planned on) to get the strawberry shortcake that I've been dreaming about all week because I had to go to a meeting for the pledge committee I'm going to be on.


- I completed my last final of the semester, meaning I'm school free for an entire month.

It truly was a glorious day.

And now I'm devouring this tasty goodness from Mesa FroYo to celebrate.
