Sunday, December 14

i don't even know.

I loooooove fruit. With the exception of all melons, I could eat any type of fruit all day. Especially pineapple. Mmmmmm pineapple. Well, One day I decided to hit up the fridge to get a piece of fruit to eat. I opened up the designated fruit drawer, and found this monstrosity: (the thing on the left)

{In case you can't tell, that's an apple. Since we didn't have any normal apples around for me to compare it to, it's sitting next to a pomegranate and a strawberry to give you a point of reference. It was like the size of my head.}

As soon as I picked it up I said, (very loudly) "WHAT THE HECK?? Did this apple eat all of the other apples??"

I was extremely disturbed. As far as I knew cannibal apples didn't exist, but strange things grow in our fridge so I didn't think it was completely unlikely.

However, after further investigation and questioning of my mother, it turns out that it was just some strange type of apple that they sell at the fruit store.

I wish this story had a better and more exciting ending, but it doesn't. That's basically it.
But I was able to turn it into a jack-o-apple. So that makes it exciting, right?? (nod head yes)

And then I took a bite.

So in case you ever wondered, yes, apples can be carved into jack-o-lanterns.