Wednesday, December 3

piece o' cake.

If only you knew how happy this lopsided, funny-lookin cake makes me.

Once upon a time I decided that I was in love with cake decorating. I always had that love somewhere deep inside my heart, but it wasn't until then that I decided I actually wanted to try it. I looked up techniques, designs, tips, and I even spent several hours watching Ace of Cakes. My heart became happy and I was very excited.

Then along came a nasty, evil villain called Mr. Meanie Doubterfectionist. His goal was to destroy my hopes and dreams by tricking me into thinking I would never be as good as I wanted to. He made me believe that I had to be perfect the first time I tried, and that I would have to be popping out elegant and elaborate wedding cakes right away or else I was a failure. I decided to give up without even trying, and Mr. Meanie Doubterfectionist was happy. It seemed his plan had worked.

But suddenly something marvelous happened. Mrs. Motivated Risktaker came along and smacked me for listening to Mr. Meanie. She told me to get over it and live my dream anyway, so I did, and created this:

It wasn't perfect. The cake was crumbly, the shape was lumpy, the fondant wasn't smooth, the design was weird, and it probably didn't even taste good. Not to mention I made a HUGE mess. But I started living my dream and that's all that matters. And I will soon live happily with many beautiful (and some not-so-beautiful) cakes forever and ever.

Then I tried being all cutesy by experimenting with my photography skills.

It's a good thing I chose cake decorating rather than photography.

(I need a new apron. Can you tell?)

the end.
(or should I say beginning?...)

My next project will look something like this:

....hopefully. :)