Saturday, May 10

my latest obsession

I often go through creative fads.

What happens is I suddenly get super inspired to do a certain creative project and it becomes all that I think about. I have grand illusions of all of the things that I will accomplish and I get extremely excited. This has happened with sewing, scrapbooking, latch-hooking, ceramic painting, quilting, jewelry making, interior decorating, song writing, and I'm sure even more that I can't think of right now. Some of these fads have had much success and have lasted for awhile, while others never got past the excitement stage. With all of them I get to the point where I realize how extremely limited I am in the creative genius department, so I get frustrated and lose the desire. But I'm hoping my latest one will be more than just a fad and will last forever. It's called: cooking.

It all started with homemade pizza. I was at a friend's house & they were having it for dinner, and when I tried some I was shocked at how much I liked it. Right then I knew I would have to try making it on my own. So the day came when I was ready to try it out, but we didn't have all of the ingredients. Then I figured that if I was gonna go to the store then I might as well get ingredients for the rest of the week, but I didn't have recipes. And then on and on down the slippery slope I went. I made other delicious things such as bread, cheese crisps with homemade tortillas, a chicken rice bake casserole, and rolls (oh, the pizza turned out fabulously-super tasty).

Then I realized the world of possibilites that was at my fingertips: cookies, cakes, breads, pies, casseroles - all waiting to be made by me. I wanted to learn everything that I could. Then today I watched the food network for about, oh, a million hours. One show was a competition to make a candy & chocolate castle, and it led me to my next creative desire: cake decorating. This isn't completely new because I've had the desire in the back of my mind for awhile, but I haven't been prepared until now to try and learn how to do it. It's a lot more complicated than I realized, but I really want to become a pro. I made it my semi-realistic goal to make my own wedding cake. Don't laugh. I'm sure I'll have several years to perfect my skills. Here are the cakes that I want to make, ASAP:

(it's the cake in the corner, obviously)

I realize that this may be wishful thinking, but if I don't aim high then how will I ever accomplish my dreams??

Wish me luck in my new endeavors. I sure hope this one lasts.