Tuesday, May 13

dear universe,

Would you please give me one of these?

My little hand mixer just doesn't get the job done. Also, I'd really like one of these:

I don't want to rush you, but I'm going to need it by Thursday. My awesome video relies on it. And while you're at it, I never did get one of these:

I'm not asking for the best, just better than my Kodak $80 one.

And while we're on a roll here, I could really use these:

And these:

My one little 9 inch pan just won't cut it. And since I have big plans, I'm going to need these asap.

Oh, and they can't be complete without these:

Yes, I will need all of them. I gotta be prepared!

(I wouldn't say no to a little boost in my checking account either. I'm just saying)

Please and thank you!