Tuesday, March 4

the peeves

For the sake of keeping my blog well-balanced, I think it's time for some ranting. I had a "trip down memory lane" post with the school memories, an "uplifting" post with the quotes, a "funny" post with the video, so it only makes sense that ranting comes next. (I also had another post but I deleted it because I didn't like it). My version of ranting is a list of "the peeves". Everyone has them. Here are mine.

1. Open cupboards & open shower curtains


2. Closed bathroom doors (unless of course someone's doing their business)

3. Lights on in empty rooms

4. When sun visors in the car are down when they're not needed.

5. When class goes past the time we're supposed to leave, even if it's just a minute. For any class. This is very common & usually likely in institute and math.

6. When approaching a red light & there's no one ahead of me in my lane so I get to be the first one, or the lane I'm in has the shortest line, and then someone suddenly decides to hurry over into my lane, so I'm NOT first or my lane ISN'T the shortest anymore when I was already very happy thinking that I was going to be. It upsets me very much. This is especially irritating to me because I'm very OCD about having to be in the lane with the shortest line. I'll even go out of my way to make that happen.

7. Computer windows that are semi-minimized. If I accidentally close one that wasn't maximized I have to reopen it, maximize it, and then close it again.

8. Wrappers (from hamburgers, burritos, subs, etc) that aren't scrunched up tightly into a ball when thrown away. I WILL reach into the garbage to scrunch it too.

9. Driving behind a truck with a person in the back. And the person is sitting so they're staring straight at you. And they're smiling at you. And they're not attractive. And you start to look away, and then realize that you can't because you're driving and don't want to die.

10. Hearing about the 1387284261725524th "Reality" show. I was the last person to jump on the hate wagon since I've always loved reality TV, but it's just plain ridiculous these days. I mean, are they serious? Do they really think making a show where Paris finds a new best friend or a dancers have to dance with their moms is good TV? It's gone past pathetic.

11. Rude people. This one's pretty much a given for everyone, but it's a big one of mine. I don't know how some people can be so judgmental & plain mean. There are a lot of immature people at ASU so I hear a lot of this stuff. It irritates me.

(This doesn't really apply but it came up when I googled "mean people" and I thought it was funny)

12. The four corner girls in my math class. This is what I hear for 10 minutes before class (since my teacher is always 10 minutes late)

(high pitched annoying laugh)
"Matt McCarthy is hot!"
"Eww he's like 45!"
"Well, I got like, a 68 in his class, it was so easy"
"Ya, & my parents like, weren't even happy that I got a C. If they didn't make me I soo wouldn't even try in school"

Shoot me in the face.