Friday, March 7

headaches & stuff

Does anyone else get a metally feeling in your head sometimes when you have a headache? That's what I have. Kind of like that feeling when something comes out of nowhere and just bangs you on the head really hard. It happened once when I was trying to jump to the 5th bar on the monkey bars at Franklin. Oh, how I worshipped the monkey bars. I'd think about them all day long, and my hands were covered in blisters from them. No one had ever jumped to the 5th bar before, but one girl had attempted, missed, and hit the other platform with her mouth and her teeth cut straight through her lip. I just had to try it though, so I jumped as high and hard as I could, only to jump too high and smack my head on the first bar. So that's the feeling I have right now. And everytime I have it that memory comes to mind. I wish I could've had it on tape, because according to all of my friends it was the "funniest thing ever". Anyway, time to go to accounting.