Pop Quiz: Amy style
A. Um....bikes?
B. An accident waiting to happen
C. Trying so hard as a kid to learn how to ride without hands
D. Unruly youngsters riding around Target isles
E. The oh-so wonderful smell of rubber that eminates from this section of the store
If you picked E, then you and I need to create a club.
However, because all of the answers are equally viable, you all passed. Congratulations.
I don't know why but that smell is one of the most wonderful things ever. I would be lying if I said I didn't find myself wandering up and down these isles last night on my way to the seasonal home section, just for the smell. Of course I pretended to be looking at the merchandise, since I didn't want to look like a TOTAL weirdo.
I eventually made it over to the home section, and fell in love with several items. I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure my next room design will be based off of this:
For something totally unrelated, is it just me or does America's Funniest Home Videos make you laugh so hard you could pee your pants? Without fail, whenever I watch that show the laughter tears come. I can never see too many unfortunate people falling through chairs, freaking out over hilarious pranks, rolling down hills and brides tripping on their way down the isle. Does it make me a bad person that I laugh so hard at other people's pain? I think not, because if they sent the tape in they've obviously moved on. Besides, I'm sure my tears are subconsciously tears of sympathy. Seriously though, that show is the greatest. I could be having the worst day ever and I'd still laugh uncontrollably. Haha I'm laughing thinking about it!
Ok well I think that's everything, so I'll leave you with the words of wisdom that came on my Dove chocolate wrappers (they were milk chocolate carmel filled. Be jealous.)
Express what's in your heart.
Listen with your heart.
Thank you Dove, thank you. That was profound.