Tuesday, November 13

Fact: I can never think of clever titles

Fact: This post took me 4 days to finish.
I decided working on it piece by piece is the only way I'm gonna get back into blogging.

Fact: I have way too many celebrity crushes.
& to me, they're not crushes. They're future husbands.
To name a few:

Wentworth Miller

Hayden Christensen

Benji Schwimmer

Drew Fuller

Zachary Levi

Jordan Bridges & I've had many, many more in the past.

Fact: I'm probably one of the most competitive people you've met.
Just ask my family. You don't wanna see me when I'm in the middle of a good game of Cranium.
Something that's resulted from my competitive-ness: top 20 & all A's. Some people may have thought that was because I'm smart, but nope.

Fact: I stress out way too easily.
Mostly about school. And money. I basically make myself sick when it comes to taking tests & I act like it's a life or death situation.

Fact: I lose my keys way too often.
And it makes me angrier than almost anything. I slam doors, tear rooms apart, and get quite upset while looking for them. This is probably because I hate being late, and as it is I give myself barely enough travel time to be somewhere just on time, so if I have to look for even a few minutes I'll be late. If you want to tick me off, lose my keys.
*update* So, the afternoon after I wrote this I had a pretty humiliating experience related to losing my keys. If you wanna know the story you'll have to bribe me.

Fact: I'm not a big fan of Christmas.
Ya, it's a neat holiday, but maybe if it came once every two years I'd like it better. It ends up sneaking up on me and I want to anticipate it. Not to mention, it stresses my mom out & she complains a lot, I usually don't have enough money to buy everyone the presents I'd like to get them, there are a million annoying drivers on the road, it gets dark earlier, & I spend the whole time wishing we could afford the super cute & expensive decorations. So unless you have a spare couple thousand dollars to give me, I'll probably keep not liking it so much.

Fact: I get sick of things easily.
Examples: songs, driving the same way to school, myspace & blogger designs, exercising, all of the junk I have to do before I can go to bed, & anything that's repetitive.

Fact: I'm really random & 67% of the time I don't make sense.
I'm the person who makes you go "...........what?" This is probably because I have a hard time taking what's in my brain and making other people understand it. Yay me. At least I shake things up.

Fact: I love to use semi-made up words & phrases.
Ones that I use lately: Forillo, anything with -ness added at the end, hotness in a bottle, jugular, & there are a million more but I have to be in the moment.

Fact: I'm very laid back and don't like drama in my life.
I can go weeks without talking to a best friend & not think something's "wrong". If we get in a fight, all you have to do is act like nothing happened & I'm over it. On dates, I'd actually prefer you didn't open my car doors or pay. I'd rather just hang out. Basically, I'm glad I'm a girl because if I had to marry one I'd go insane.

Fact: I'm horrible with names, but I know your birthday.
I worked at Target for almost 2 years & I didn't know half of the names of the people that worked there. They have friggin name tags. That's how bad I am. But if you tell me your birthday I'll probably remember it. & if not the first time, then I will the second time.

Fact: Photo radar is of the devil.
For those of you who are wondering, yes, that is indeed a fact. It's in the Bible. Just look real hard.

Fact: I love all things creative, but I'm not creative.
I just wish I was & fake it.

Fact: I want to be an actress.
It's not just some fantasy that I hope will fall in my lap, I literally want to do it.
I've even taken some classes. I know the chances of it actually working out are .002434%, but I still want to try. We had to do a project for my com 230 class & we did a skit, & it was basically the happiest day of my life.

Fact: I love to make people really happy.
I want to become a millionaire so I can pay off my mom's, all of my sisters', & my dad's debts, buy my mom a house, & surprise deserving people with college scholarships that will last for four years.

Fact: I'm going to say adios now.