Monday, November 19


Things I'm Working On:
-Being selfless
-Reading the Book of Mormon
-Waking up without hitting the snooze button 13 times and/or not getting the alarm mixed up with a dream that makes me think I'm doing a good job by turning it off
-Being slower to anger
-Managing time better
-My "About Me from A-Z" monster scrapbook project
-Self-confidence/forgiving myself more easily
-Living up to my learning potential
-Living up to my potential, period
-Being more tolerant of physical & emotional pain
-Not biting my nails/picking at the skin
-Exercising 5 times a week
-Eating healthier (this one's a stretch though)
Things I'm Grateful For:
*My family, including:
my extremely giving Mom
my super fun sisters Melanie, Kim, Cassie
my brothers-in-law Devin & Josh
my talented Dad
my amazing cousins Kayla, Brandon, Sam, Darrell, Reddin, Derek, Justin/Amy etc
my hilarious aunts & uncles
my cute little brother Joe
my helpful step-mom Debe
& anyone else related to me.
*My house
*My health/limbs/5 senses (this is a major one)
*My usually drama free life
*My ASU scholarship
*My lack of whale-ness
*Protection from serious accidents & bad guys (so far)
*The limited amount of deaths I've had to deal with
*Being able to get super happy by the little things in life
*My car
*Being able to work
*My semi-smart brain

Things I've Accomplished This Year:
~Good grades at school
~Buying a new car & making the payments on it
~Umm...I'll get back to you. A lot happened in a year. It's too much for my brain to remember

Things I Want to Accomplish Before the End of the Year:
^Finish the Book of Mormon
^Clean out my "craft" room (aka pile of junk room at the moment) & set up sewing maching & craft supplies
^Make it through the Christmas season without thinking about material things
^Give the gift of service to someone who truly needs it
^Make 10 more pages of my aforementioned monster project
^Apply for at least one scholarship
^Lose 5 pounds (we'll see...)
^Meet the man of my dreams (just cuz it's on the list doesn't mean I expect it to happen, but hey I can dream)

I'm sure with the combination of this post & the last one you know way more about me than you ever wanted to know, but with Thanksgiving & the Holidays coming up I thought it was time for a little reflection.