Wednesday, August 1

i'm baaaaaaaaaack

Ok, So I'm finally here again to finish my random seven things!! I've been quite busy so I haven't been able to do it. I'm sure you all have been dying to find out the rest (ha jk). Well, here are 5-7! Woohoo!

Numero CINCO:
I am completely afraid of yellow lights. It's ridiculous. Like, forillo. One time I got a photo radar ticket cuz I BARELY (I still swear it was still yellow) ran a red light while turning left. The only reason I did it was cuz I'd already waited like 2 whole lights cuz there were so many cars and I was late for institute. I was able to get out of it with a (very expensive) class so it's not on my record, but now I have to go 2 whole years without a ticket! So I'm EXTREMELY paranoid. If I see the little hand flashing I'm like, when is it gonna turn yellow? Am I close enough so if it turns yellow I'll make it? Please don't turn yellow! And I'm so bad that I could make it through but for a SECOND I'm not sure so I slam on my brakes, usually resulting in partially hanging in the intersection. I get SOOO mad at myself when I do that too. It's like a disease! Anyway, enough rambling about my fear of yellow lights.

Numero SEIS:
I'm in love with So You Think You Can Dance. Just knowing that it will be on brightens up my day. And the good news is that it's on TWICE a week! Yay! That's double the fun! It's pretty much the only show I watch these days. I love it.

And last but not least....Numero SIETE:
I can never have too much Dr. Pepper. Ok, maybe I can, but it'd take a lot. It's a delectable drink that makes me happy with every gulp. It makes me sad that it's so bad for me, but when I do drink it it's a lovely treat. That's all I have to say!
P.S. I'd tag someone but everyone that reads this has already been tagged!