Tuesday, February 3

the case of the missing toothpaste.

We had a toothpaste crisis here at the casa de Amy y familia.

You see, a few days ago I walked into the bathroom to do my business in the brushing teeth profession, and the cute little Crest toothpaste I normally use was gone. GONE.

(it looked something like this. cute, right?)

I didn't panic because things go missing quite often in the casa de Amy y familia, so I searched around for it. I looked in the cupboards. I looked in the counter drawers. I looked on the floor. I even looked in the garbage. It was nowhere to be found.

I started to panic.

No toothpaste?? NONE?

But then I saw something. There on the counter was a toothpaste-looking tube. I quickly turned it over, but much to my dismay it was only this:

I automatically just figured that it belonged to the family of this:

or this:

and dismissed it. But then I saw the word "toothpaste".

"Are you kidding me?" I thought to myself. "Is this seriously toothpaste?"

I couldn't believe it and I didn't know whether to be happy or nauseous. I was already going to be late to my class, so I decided I'd have to try it. Before applying it to my sacred toothbrush, I checked the label 5 times to make sure it really said "toothpaste" and not "hoo-ha paste" and then gave it a try.

It was ok at first, but it never became foamy and it had a strange taste. Suddenly I started panicking and began thinking that maybe someone was playing an evil, evil trick on me by switching the pastes, so I started gagging and spit it out. Luckily I had already accomplished my task, so I ran out the door and didn't think of it anymore.

But then it was nighttime. There on the counter sat my only option: The Satan juice.

Was I really going to have to put that in my mouth again?? I thought I was going to die just thinking about it, but the need for clean teeth won and I partook of the Satan juice.

This went on for several long and painful days because the cute Crest toothpaste was still nowhere to be found.

However, tonight as I was driving home from my delicious birthday dinner at Oreganos (free pizza cookie!!!) I brought up the case of the missing toothpaste. It turns out that my sister had it the entire time. IN HER BACKPACK. I was ticked.

So then we went to Target, picked up some beloved Crest Whitening & flossers (do we seriously need an entire isle for toothpaste??) and now I'm happy and free from the Satan juice forever.

The End.
(AWESOME SIDENOTE!: The last 7 posts have had either 4 or 7 comments, and my birthday is on the 7th, and half of 4 is 2, which is February in number language. CRAZY.)