Monday, January 19

the snuggie.

I have a feeling the marketing strategy for the Snuggie went something like this:

Mr. Infomercial Marketing President Dude: "Ok guys, we've got our next product. It's like a bathrobe backwards, but not! Ingenious! Now we need to figure out a way to make our consumers want it. To need it. I mean, people obviously don't want to look like monks or sith lords on a daily basis, so we need to trick them. Any ideas?"

Chump #1: "Hey, I know. Let's give it a ridiculous name so we can throw them off. With a name like The Cuddler, or The Snuggie, people won't even think of monks or sith lords."

Mr. IMPD: "Nice! 'The Snuggie'. I like it. Now how do we market it?"

Chump #2: "I've got the perfect plan. Instead of sticking to the older demographic like usual, we can shake things up a bit! We'll show old people! Young people! Children! People eating! People with pets! People roasting mallows! Heck, we'll even show people at a football game! It'll be wondrous. People will never suspect."

Mr. IMPD: "I like where you're headed with this! Should we stick to the usual 2 am playing time?"

Chump #1: "Why not shake that up as well!? Let's play it on EVERY channel during EVERY show, so that eventually people start to become so annoyed with it that they buy it out of spite! By then the whole world will know about it, so those who do get it will appear to be 'cool', and everyone else will start to do the same! Soon, the whole world will be snuggified and our brilliant plan will have worked. We will then sit back and laugh evilly with our gold-plated toilets and diamond-crusted swimming pools. Muahahaha, muahahahahaha."

Mr. IMPD: "Sounds good. Let's do it."


I plan on ordering mine tonight.