Wednesday, January 14

explantation and insights.

I took 160 videos in Colorado. Yep. 160. Some of them are only 10 seconds long, but some of them are 10 minutes long. That means it's gonna take me about....52 days for me to edit it into one awesome video for you to behold. But it will happen, and I will post it here, and you will see many of the amazing things I did on the best vacation EVER. Also, since I was in charge of the videoing, Lauren has most of the pictures and is holding them hostage until I send her the videos. Too much info, I know, but the moral of the story is that you won't get to know what happened on that delightful trip for quite some time.

So until then, I'm going to fill your head with lots of insights about mwah. No pictures. Sorry.

1. I have too many dreams. You might think it's impossible for a person to have too many dreams, but I'm here to prove you wrong. I have no focus. Let me tell you everything I want to be:
  • professional cake decorator
  • professional snowboarder
  • professional dancer
  • actress
  • wedding planner
  • interior designer
  • photographer
  • director/filmmaker
  • owner of a zoo
  • dog trainer
  • polar bear trainer
  • professional athlete
  • song writer
  • professional scrapbooker
  • professional ice skater
Oh, and not only do I want to do all of this, but I want to be the BEST at all of it. And I just so happen to suck at every one of those things.

2. I used to want a famous blog. I didn't admit this to myself, but oh man did I want it. I wanted to have the best/funniest/most touching/most creative/awesomest posts ever. This stressed me out and I didn't even want to post anymore. Now I love my little blog & I'm happy not very many people read it. It makes those that do read it even more special!

3. I'm a hardcore, double time perfectionist. I don't forgive myself for the mistakes I make, and it's kinda annoying. I once had a panic attack at work and started bawling because my bosses got mad at me for letting someone forge their check. I feel like I have to be the best at everything I do, which in turn pretty much makes me the worst at everything since I'm always second guessing myself. My sophomore year I saw that I was ranked #12 in my class out of 800, and I was disappointed. 11 people were better than me.

4. I want to travel to every single state and all 7 continents. I LOVE seeing new places. I just wish it was about 90% cheaper to do so.

5. I LOOOOOOOOVE animals. I would have to say my least favorite animal is a cat, and I still want to cuddle them and give them lots of lovin. I really hope that in heaven all animals are sweet and cuddly, because polar bears, lions, tigers, gorillas, meerkats, and penguins are my faaaaavorite.

6. I don't understand myself at all. I really am a walking contradiction. I want to be popular but I hate the spotlight. I hate when things aren't organized but I have the messiest room on the planet. I have a 4.0 but I know nothing about business (which is my major). I could go on. It's frustrating.

7. I'm lonely. I have been for awhile, and it makes life harder than it should be.

8. It seriously makes me cry when I see other people in pain. One time I was driving and saw this little old man walking home in the rain with his work uniform on, and tears started to come. I decided that when I can afford it I'm going to give little old men like that cars to drive so they don't have to walk home in the rain. I also can't stand to see people made fun of. It hurts me, even if the person isn't around to hear it.

9. These are things that I don't tell people, and as soon as I post this I'm going to feel stupid.

10. I've decided that farting should be called burping with your butt. It just makes more sense.

That is all.