Wednesday, January 28

sneak preview.

Out of the goodness of my heart, I've decided to give you guys a sneak preview of my Colorado Adventures. The reason that it's just a sneak preview is because I don't want you to go into shock when you do see all of the wonderfulness I'm going to post. I'm starting you off slowly. And because I still don't have most of the pictures. SO, some of the things I did are:

I got to see these dudes:

I played in a little bit of snow:

I practiced my jumps a little bit:

And I made the workout video of all workout videos. This is a short clip of the unedited version:

Stay tuned for more later.

On a sidenote, I have a few more things I need to say:
1. Ligers are real.
2. The UK isn't the only place where people drive on the left side of the road.
(So many people have told me that they are! UGH)

BOO ya.
I wish the people who have told me I was wrong could read this.