Saturday, January 31


Remember how my birthday is in one week?!
This is insanity. INSANITY.
I'm pretty sure I turned twenty like a week ago.
And if I turned twenty on my last birthday, then you do the math on how old I'm going to be.
I'll give you some time to calculate it.
Yep. 21 big ones.
& I guess turning 21 is a pretty big deal in the U.S., so to commemorate the occasion I'm going to get totally wasted, black out, and then wake up next to a strange, fugly looking person.
It's gonna be a blast.

OR, if that doesn't pan out, I'm just gonna go to Stratum laser tag & Speedway go kart racing, and then maybe the Tempe Improv with my sister.
I know, not nearly as fun.
& I'm gonna be real, I know those who read my blog probably wouldn't want to hang out with me in the non-interweb world, but if you want to join me in the festivities & live in the Mesa-Tempe-Gilbert-Chandler-Phoenix-Scottsdale area, then you're invited!! Forillos. Or if you're from somewhere else you can totally fly out too.
It'll be on Sat. Feb. 7th.
Hit me up at if you're down.

So, ya. That's the hiz-naps around here.
Ok bye.
(Remember when I used end my posts with adios?? I wonder what happened to that)

p.s. what's up with the ZERO comments on my last post? Geez. I do you all favor and this is how you thank me. I'm hurt.