Tuesday, October 14

time for change

Ok, so my blog is in need of some serious renovation. I've been having boring posts, and even though I thought my previous layout was cute, it was much too dull. And as some of you may have noticed, I don't have any of my recent posts published anymore. I just wasn't feelin 'em, and I want my blog to be a happy place, not a whiny, boring place.

Lately the pledging has been keeping me busy, but it's something that I'm definitely learning from. If I didn't have an essay to write tonight then I'd post pictures of the recent happenings, but that will come soon. I'm the historian for the pledge class, so I have quite a few pictures :) Even though it's been fun, I'll be glad when it's over!

So anyway...On to the fun stuff.

If any of you go on YouTube very often, then you've probably heard of the Fred videos that are always going around. And as much as I don't want to admit it, I think they're kind of hilarious, in an annoying way. If you don't know what I mean, watch this:

And if that's not for you, then watch this:

Oh how I love youtube.