Reason #1:
I went to my cousin Valerie's wedding reception last night! She looked beautiful and happy, and he seems like a pretty awesome guy. Plus, I absolutely love weddings. And I got to hang out with my family & cousins.
Reason #2:
I caught the bouquet!
(notice how all that remains of one of the flowers is a stubby middle? Ya, that's how I roll. I don't just catch, I fight for them)
Reason #3:
Catching this means that I'm 3 for 3 in terms bouquet snatching! Ever since my other cousin's wedding a year & a few months ago I've caught every bouquet I've tried for. This does not mean I'm trying to hurry & get married. It just means I have a love for flowers & winning things.
Reason #4:
Ok, so that sounds like a bit of an over-reaction considering I'm just going to be an extra & most likely not shown in the movie, but wait for the rest.
The stars are Maya Rudolph (Saturday Night Live), Carmen Ejogo (Lackawanna Blues), Toni Collette (Little Miss Sunshine, The Sixth Sense) AND JOHN KRASINSKI. For those of you who don't know, which you should, that's Jim from The Office. Remember how I'm totally in love with him? Ya. I am. I'm sure my excitement from when I found out they were looking for extras & from when I found out I WAS an extra would have scared most of you.
I really don't even know if I'll be near him, or if he'll even be in the scenes I'll be an extra for, but I don't care. The fact that I'll be an extra for HIS movie & see how it's filmed will be the coolest thing ever. I've always wanted to be on a movie set.
So, those are the exciting things that happened yesterday! It was a good day.