Thursday, April 10

and they're back

Behold, the very first night I will be able to watch the Office with the rest of the world. Never before has this momentous occasion happened. You see, I started watching the office for the first time after the writer's strike, which was better for me because I was able to watch them all when I wanted to with no breaks. But now I get to experience a new episode just as early as everyone else.

Plus I have two more of my shows to watch tonight, including Miss Guided (except that it wasn't on!! Geez) and the American Idol kick-off show.

Have I mentioned how much I love DVR? Because it saves my life. Thank you, Mom, for letting me exchange my picture texting abilities for this wonderful gift.

(Sidenote: is Sheriff *insert Maricopa sheriff's name here* the only person that drives a car that says Sheriff on it? If so then I saw him hiding behind a truck in the middle of Stapley today, and I'm a little disappointed that I didn't ram my car into him. Oh well, maybe next time.)