Saturday, February 23


One thing I love to do is look up quotes. I love finding ones that apply to me perfectly during different times in my life, and they usually make me ready to conquer life. I'm a quote junkie. Well, my senior year I was one of the people in charge of Baccalaureatte (I used to know how to spell that, not anymore) and I decided it would be cool to put a bunch of quotes that applied to everyone graduating all over the walls of the auditorium lobby. You know, so we could read them and be inspired. I even made it all cute and put them on purple & gold paper. No one saw them. I forgot that we all entered from the back (NOT the lobby) and left from the back too. Afterwards I said, I'm not letting all of that go to waste! So I kept them all. Well recently I found them again, so this post is dedicated to my favorites. Here they are:

"Life is a journey...every experience is here to teach you more fully how to be who you really are" -Oprah Winfrey

"Don't spend a lot of time worrying about your failures. I've learned a whole lot more from my mistakes than from all my successes." -Ann Richards

"When faced with the inevitable, you always have a choice. You may not be able to alter reality, but you can alter your attitude toward it." -Margaret Atwood

"The victory is not always to the swift, but to him that finishes the race." -Orrin Hatch

"You count. You make difference. You can add to the sum of beauty and joy and love and understanding in the world, or you can subtract from those already scarce commodities. What you do matters." -Vincent Barnett

"Above all else: go out with a sense of humor. It is needed armor. Joy in one's heart and some laughter on one's lips is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life." -Hugh Sidney

By the way, I HIGHLY advise downloading Windows Live Writer. It's free, and it's sent directly from heaven. Worrying about spacing changes when you post? Gone. Sick of boring font choices? No more. You can publish posts directly from this application, and it's as easy as using Microsoft Word. I'm in love. As you can see I went a little crazy with the font choices. & that's before I was even able to get my font on. All of my cute fonts aren't on my laptop yet. Get it & you won't be disappointed