Friday, January 11

All good things come to an end

Today is officially my last day of Christmas break.
From here on out it's just the normal weekend & then it's back to school on Monday. I'm not sure how to feel about this. On the one hand I'm semi-excited to find out what my classes are like & get closer to being done, but on the other hand I've LOVED the month off. It'll be good for me to get back into more productive things though so that's good. I just hope this semester won't finish me off!
Here are the classes I'm taking:
ACC 230-Accounting
MAT 211-Calculus II for business majors
PHI 103-Principles of sound reasoning
SOC 101-Sociology
DAN 130-Jazz dance taken at CGCC (I'm waaay excited for this)
Thanks to good old I was able to pick the best teachers I could & the only class I'm scared for is my accounting one cuz the teacher is apparently beastly. I'm sure it'll work out in the end. Go Devils.