Sunday, November 15

my purpose

Every blog has a purpose.

There are fashion blogs. Food blogs. Decorating blogs. Instructional blogs. Informational blogs. Gossip blogs. Journal blogs. Family blogs.

In my opinion, none is greater than any other because they all serve a different purpose.

During the time that I spent away from blogging, I thought a lot about why exactly it is that I blog.

Do I do it to please others?
To try to have posts just for the sake of the your reaction?

Do I do it to compete with other blogs?
To have a bajillion comments?

Do I do it as creative expression?
To work on my design/writing skills?

The more I thought about it, the more I realized the difference between when I enjoy blogging and when I think of it as a chore.

So I've figured out my blog's purpose, & here it is:

To hold all of my thoughts, musings, and creative desires in order to preserve them for a later time when I might need them again, and to allow me to improve my writing abilities.
It will not matter whether or not I have 5 readers or 5000, and it will not matter what it looks like, as long as I am pleased with the content.
I will love it, and in return it will help me in my life.

The purpose of life is a life of purpose.
-Robert Byrne
It's nice to have a purpose.