Wednesday, May 28

three weeks

Until I hop on a plane & leave for New York. I'm very excited, yet kinda overwhelmed at all I have to do before I leave. Not only do I have to pack & figure out what I'm going to take (not to mention how it's gonna get there), I have a lot of organizing & cleaning to do. There are a few junk rooms that have been on my to-do list for awhile now & it's my goal to get them done before I leave.

Also, every day I keep finding out more things that I'm gonna miss out on while I'm gone. Here's the list so far:

-Breaking Dawn release (I wanted to get it at midnight. Insert sad face here)
-The Dark Knight premiere (Again, another midnight thing)
-Many birthdays including my sister's, mom's, Bayleigh's, and my friend Virginia's
-So You Think You Can Dance. Only one of the best shows ever
-Our family 4th of July BBQ. At least I'm assuming. Holiday BBQ's are always the best
-Lots of blogging & using of the internet. This will probably be a good thing though
-Texting. My phone won't get service there

Ok, so the list is shorter than I thought. But some of those things are pretty big deals!

However, on the flip side I'll also be enjoying things that (hopefully) trump what I'm missing out on. So...ya that's all I have to say. I never know how to end my posts.