Saturday, April 5

darn internet browser

You know what makes me just super happy? Filling out a blasted application online for an hour and then having it magically disappear. Yes, the browser really did magically disappear. I went to erase a sentence that I didn't particularly like, and bam. It was gone. No warning, nothing. Gaaaaahhh. Someone should just consider themself lucky that I hadn't finished the About Me section. Speaking of which, I also get super happy trying to desribe myself, my experience working with children, my camp experience, any leadership experiences I've had, and why I'm the best person to be hired. Doesn't that sound pleasant? The reason for this is because I'm trying to work as a camp counselor this summer. There's a camp in particular that I REAAAALLY want to work at, and it's in CA and I'd live there for about 10 weeks. It pays over $3000 for the summer, plus room & board, food, and travel expenses. I think I'd be in heaven if I was selected, but in order to get to that point I first have to answer the above questions, and I really dislike talking about myself and how I'm soooo amazing. It will all be worth it if I get the job. So pray to the camp gods that I'll get chosen!