Friday, June 29


Hmmm....for some reason EVERYTHING on blogspot is in chinese,
or japanese, or koreanese, or something-ese, and I had to completely guess what all of the words said to be able to post something.
And surprisingly I got it right on the first tries!
This language change probably has something to do with my sister cuz she's extremely obsessed with Japan and anything to do with it.
Well....considering I can't figure out how to change anything cuz all of the words are in weird little SYMBOLS, I guess I won't be adding pictures just yet.
Although I will say this.....

When you wander into your kitchen to take out a delectable slice of bread from the bag that contains it, does it take much effort to simply wrap the bag back up? I will answer this: NO.
So how is it possible for everyone in my family (aka my mom & sister) to forget this every single time they get out a piece of bread??
It is incomprehensible to me.
It takes TWO SECONDS!! Just wrap that back bag up!!!
There is nothing more disappointing
than dreaming all day about a scrumptious piece of french bread to snack on, just to find the WHOLE thing ruined because someone didn't tie up the bag!!!
So, the lesson of the day: For the sake of bread-lovers around the world, just WRAP THAT BAG BACK UP WHEN YOU'RE DONE!! Thank you. Have a nice day :)

Thursday, June 28

Trying out this blog thing....again

Once upon a time I created a blog that I never used and no one ever saw, so I decided to start fresh and actually use this one. So today marks the start of my blogging days, and hopefully I will add some frequently. Hopefully I can find some people that will actually GO to my blog so it's not a waste. Well, that's all for now! When I have time I will add to this and make my blog super cute like everyone else's and add pictures. Well, adios!